Current Guilds


A Guild is a loose association of people who have similar jobs, get together to spread tricks of the trade, share news, and provide training to apprentices. If you violate a guild law or skimp on your role-playing or garb requirements you lose your benefits from that one guild for one event. At some events is a little job board that anyone can put a job onto for people to complete, usually in return for cash. Some event throwers hand out secret information based on which guild you're in.

Guild of Sailors, Seafarers, and Privateers

You've spent much of your life at sea and find landlocked adventures troublesome. Months away from civilization at a time have left their mark, and often have formed close bonds between fellow sailors. The sea has claimed many of your friends over the years, but still holds an irresistible allure.

  1. If you are in a boat, your boat can run instead of walk. At aquatic events you can bring your own boat.

  2. Feel free to replace your hand with a boffer claw or hook hand. Or bring a flask of grog that counts as any one potion once a day.

  3. At the start of each event, you may roll three times on the loot table. You get to pick two of the results.

Loot Table:

  1. Lost limb for about an hour.
  2. 1 coin, 3 worth of loot.
  3. 5 coin.
  4. 2 coin, 6 worth of loot.
  5. 7 coin, 4 worth of loot.
  6. 10 worth of loot.

Guild of Smiths, Laborers, and Architects

What wins battles? Is it the skill of the knight, the aim of the archer, the wisdom of the mage? No, it is good steel, strong fortifications, and mighty siege engines. You provide these things, and excel at your art.

  1. Take a fifteen count, an item's repaired. It's 15 SECONDS, and you can't use it while you're fighting or on someone who is fighting. If you get caught counting too fast, we'll make you say “1-I'm a cheating larper, 2-I'm a cheating larper... etc.”

  2. Siege Engines: You can bring siege engines to events. These are ballistas, trebuchets, catapults, cannons, and the like. They can only fire one shot at a time and if you can carry it in your hand, it is too small. They should be working replicas that look the part. Shots fired instantly kill whoever is hit. Can only be operated by members of this guild.

  3. Tempered Steel: You can mark two weapons, items, or props each event with a brown cloth band. These can't be broken. This has no effect on armor.

Union of Perfectly Legitimate Businesses

You've some talent for the shadier enterprises, and you take quiet satisfaction in your work. There's some risk involved in any business, though it's a rare baker that gets thrown in a dungeon for stealing. If people really wanted their belongings, they wouldn't be so easy to take, right?

  1. Yoink! Bring a pouch with two beads and a third off color bead. Draw one near someone. If you draw the off-color bead you get noticed trying to steal from that person. If not, you can have hand over any one thing they have. Wait a few minutes between snags. Tell them they don't realize what happened for at least five minutes.

  2. Greased Palms: you start each event with 20 coin that don't exist until they are used to bribe someone. Shoot for an actual bribe, not shuffling money back and forth between friends.

Assassins' Guild

You're always looking for the perfect, professional kill: no struggle, no witnesses, no complications, and a large paycheck. Most assassins work for hire, though many have their own agenda and some hold loyalty to a cause. Role-playing requirement: Try to do a convincing job of being a member of another guild OR get assigned a target by event thrower.

  1. Shank: Three times a day you can stab someone in the head or torso with a dagger and say “Shank!” to kill them instantly, ignoring any and all armor.

  2. Magebane: Three times per day you can call “Immune!” when someone hits you with a blasty spell.

Mages' Guild

Having a gift for magic is not enough-- it must be cultivated and grown. The Guild of Mages exists for this purpose, but it does not care about right and wrong so much as the pursuit for deeper truth and discovery for its own sake. Members tend to be intelligent (if unstable), and value knowledge and the power it brings above other traits.

  1. Thaumaturgy: Gain one mage ability.

  2. The Runic Alphabet: Some mages like to hide important information using runes. If you're in this guild you may carry a copy of the translation key with you.

Healers' Guild

We live in a dangerous world where worthy people too often suffer short and brutal lives. The Healers' Guild does its best to save everyone, but it's never quite enough. You are there to bring life to the dearly departed and new hope to their loved ones. Healers tend to be welcome anywhere they go, for their presence pushes the threat of death that much further away.

Role-playing Requirement: You can't turn down a request for healing, and you can set any price you want. You are not obligated to heal anyone who has attacked you.

  1. Healing Arts: You have the First Aid skill and 8 bandages to use with it. You also start with 3 one use Antidotes.

  2. Surgery: Bring a bag of medical props such as a needle and thread, healing herbs, powders, and other period appropriate medical tools. You can bring someone back to life on a 45 count by treating them with your props and giving bad medical advice.

Alchemists' Guild

Decades of research with the Alchemists' Guild has given you knowledge and skills beyond the reach of others. With your training, reagents, and research you can bring life from death, and death from life... among other things. Alchemists almost always have a variety of bags and bottles, tools and trinkets the better to practice their craft.

  1. Poison: Gain any number of stickers that read “Poison.” Anyone who touches a poisoned item or eats poisoned food or drink will die on a 20 count. You can also poison daggers, and instead of merely touching them, someone must be damaged by such a dagger to become poisoned. A poisoned person will keep dying until cured.

  2. Antidote: Gain any number of stickers that read “Antidote.” Anyone who eats food or drink marked with one will be cured of poison.

  3. Alchemy: You can make 5 coins worth of potions a day.

Mercenary Guild

Life is not about friendship, morality is an excuse, and what's most important is looking out for number one. You're loyal and trustworthy, so long as the money's good. Pity most the poor dumb bastard who breaks your contract, for they've thrown away their lives and cheaply.

Role-Playing Requirement: Go with the better offer.

  1. Training: You may use two of the following: One-Handed Weapons, One and One-Half Handed Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Missile Weapons, Shields, Tower Shields (requires shields), and Dual-Wielding. Descriptions for all these can be found in the Kit section.

  2. Contracts: You can draw up legally binding written agreements.

The Guard

It is your job to enforce crown law and to protect the Emerald Empire from outside threats. Some people become to guards fight for the common good, protect the little people, or become a bastion of order. Others join because you get a free shield and a box of bandages.

Role-Playing Requirement: Enforce Crown Law or the Guild will kick you out.

  1. Weapons Training: Gain the ability to use shields and one-handed weapons.

  2. Medical Training: Gain First Aid, the fighter skill.

  3. Gain 5 extra coins at the end of each event you successfully guard the kingdom.

Inventors' and Tinkerers' Guild

Some have called you crazy, mad, or insane. They are FOOLS! Stupid fools who cannot hope to understand your beautiful inventions. You live to invent, and one day one of your inventions will likely kill you. Either an invention or a torch wielding mob... of FOOLS!!

Garb Requirement: Your inventions should look antique, like something da Vinci would make, or suitably fantasy-related. Not out of a sci-fi magazine.

Inventiveness: You can bring two inventions to each event. Only you can use these inventions. These can be two of the same invention. The inventions you can choose from are:

Betta Arms: These gauntlets or bracers give you Strength.

Betta Tools: you can fix something on a fifteen count.

Powered Fist: A natural weapon. Let the name guide the construction.

Boomstick: This hand cannon comes with one beanbag. Twice per day you can stand still, make a fifteen count, then throw your beanbag call “Explosion!”: anyone hit is killed instantly.

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